Fraud Blocker urw-094-and-1006c

Posted on March 11, 2015

The UR-W094C (aka - the URW-094), and the UR-W1006C (aka - the URW-1006C)

The UR-W094C (aka - the URW-094), and the UR-W1006C (aka - the URW-1006C)

Here at Great Lakes Lifting, we provide the full range of Spydercrane mini crawler crane, from the 295-706. They provide all the lifting power one would ever need from a mini crawler crane. The lineup has brought rave reviews from coast to coast from customers and clients who never realized such a little machine could lift so much.

Every once in a great, great while, we’ll get a customer who’ll ask about products that typically aren’t offered in the US: the UR-W094C (aka - the URW-094), and the UR-W1006C (aka - the URW-1006C). They’re great questions. It means the client / customer has really done their homework and made Google their go-to on research. The product questions keep us on our toes and provide a great pop quiz for the staff.

We know: “Wait, what are the URW-094 and the URW-1006C?”

The URW-094 and the URW-1006, with respect to the construction, maintenance, and utility projects we typically provide services for, are best referred to as “niche machines.”

The URW-094 is the baby of the bunch. It can fit through a single-wide door like our base model URW-295, but is even lighter and takes up less space on projects.

By contract, the URW-1006 is the biggest of the fleet. It’s lifting capacity is the most of any Spydercranes and it’s working radius is simply incredible: nearly 22 meters.

“Why doesn’t Great Lakes Lifting advertise these products?”

We typically don’t advertised and suggest these projects because the models that are the closest to these two: the URW-295 for the 094, and the 706 for the 1006, provide similar services at typically a better all-around operating price.

BUT, if you have a niche job that specifically requires either the UR-W094C (aka - the URW-094), and the UR-W1006C (aka - the URW-1006C), contact us today. We’ll see what we can do.

UPDATE: The URW-094 will be available in the US in 2015!

We recently received word that we will, in fact, be able to add the URW-094! Keep checking back here for the latest news so you can know as soon as it is officially available!

And we’ll see if we can tack on some Free Shipping to go with it.

photo credit: Furukawa UNIC on Pinterest

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