Fraud Blocker nwindiana

Posted on October 15, 2014

Northwest Indiana - "The Region" has two homes.

Northwest Indiana is a place whose identity is defined by their efforts more so than their geography. There might be no other place as diverse as the area known as, “The Region.” Chicago can claim everything in Northwest Indiana but the taxes because of a line on a map. The rest of the state of Indiana seldom knows what is going on in their northwest corner because of how different the area is compared to the rest of the state.

On their northern border one will find national lakeshores, sand dunes that extend hundreds of feet into the air, and national forests. To the south they have iconic farms and rivers. Their economy is also fueled by internationally renown steel mills and logistics - thanks to access to several interstates, class one rail, waterways and airports - including that little city on the border they call Chicago. And for those who want night life, there are five riverboat casinos.

There is always something being built in Northwest Indiana. It’s why we love having them so close to home. And we’re sure they love our Spydercranes for their jobs.

Sales and Discounts for The Region

Because Northwest Indiana is right...over...there, we offer several sales and discounts to the area. We are always running Free Delivery discounts, but ask us what we’re running when you contact us.

Working to become the biggest suburb of Chicago

We salute The Region’s goal in becoming the biggest suburb of Chicago. With every building we help erect, we like to feel we help contribute to the goal.

Contact Great Lakes Lifting today to see how our line of Spydercrane Mini Crawler cranes can be a part of your next Northwest Indiana construction project.

Buy, Rent or Schedule Repairs

Click the button below and fill out the provided contact form or call us at 815-931-4825 to get started today.

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Sales, Service, Rentals
(844) 768-5438