Fraud Blocker happy-new-year-2017

Posted on December 28, 2016

Happy New Year 2017 - What to look forward to.

Happy New Year 2017 - What to look forward to.

It's that time of year. The time where everything resets. Projects are now ahead on the calendar. Everybody's feeling behind, trying to plan for the year ahead.

Time to wipe away the eggnog hangovers and remember the options you have available for your construction projects ahead:


What makes a better gift to start the year than to buy new equipment? Nothing. Refresh. Renew. Get it started on the new year's taxes for depreciation and write off.

It also give the team something new to learn and play with.


Why buy when someone else can be responsible for it. Keep the liability down to a minimum. Only use it when you need it. Everybody wins.

Service Agreements

The best of both worlds. A team that cares for it and remembers to take care of it for you.

Otherwise, it's a new year. Make the most of it.

May all your projects be on time and under budget.

Buy, Rent or Schedule Repairs

Click the button below and fill out the provided contact form or call us at 815-931-4825 to get started today.

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(844) 768-5438