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Posted on September 23, 2015

East Coast Bound

East Coast Bound

The great thing about being centrally located is that we can hit all the coasts within a couple days. A little longer if we’re talking San Diego, but otherwise, we like to think that “local” is everywhere within the continental 48-states.

We enjoy every trip we take to the east coast. Especially the southern states in the winter and the northern states in the summer.

Why we deliver to the East Coast

Because, for the most part, folks who are interested in the Spydercrane Mini Crawler Crane do heavier tasks than getting a cat out of a tree. Now that getting a cat out of a tree isn’t a noble deed, but there are typically more cost effective measures to get the feline down.

Most of our clients are b2b, either construction companies, industrial manufacturers, or volume-level convention events. The length and duration of their needs for the Spydercrane typically more than make up for the drive to the Atlantic Ocean and back.

We typically can piggyback a trip while we’re at it

Our drivers typically deliver more than one Spydercrane per trip. Sometimes, they deliver several and pick up a few on the way back.

Rental and Maintenance Contract discounts to the East Coast

Because we make several trips a year to the East coast, we typically often offer discounts to the area. To learn more about our East Coast discounts, contact me today.

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Sales, Service, Rentals
(844) 768-5438